Tuesday, July 7, 2009

又是星期一。。 昨晚你闹到十二点才睡, 妈咪想你可能是感冒吧!麽麽和爸爸都不耐烦了, 你还是哭个不停。今天爸爸早上又有开会。妈咪一大早天未亮就到公司了,非常瞌睡。

妈咪上星期和朋友谈天,朋友说妈咪应该找点生意当副业来做。 妈咪和爹地也想过这问题,妈咪想做个托儿所因为想到同时可以照顾你。但是想到这门生意需要长时间无假工作, 我们止步了。这阵子我们都想着这问题。 看你一天一天的长大, 妈咪真想可以常常陪着你,但是生活环境不允许。有一位智者show妈咪一张非洲难民穷苦小孩照片,对我说他们需要一个人to break out. 我那时的心情非常澎湃,我很认同他的话。很多穷人家世世代代都生活在非常辛苦的环境,不曾想过可能可以离开那环境。或许想过却不曾努力挣脱过。。你长大要知道努力,行动和态度比空想来得重要。当然妈咪也希望能和爸爸给予你好的生活环境,让你无忧无虑地成长。

Monday, July 6, 2009

Hi Princess,

You are now 14 months old! What a big mile stone for us! We watch you grown up day by day, feel so touching. You are such an active baby, non stop moving around, playing and of course “manja” a lot. Moreover you are such an intelligent girl, you can easily differentiate our food with yours. When we use chopstick to eat and we feed you by spoon; you will feel suspicious and refuse to eat. Oh dear, to fulfill you what we need to do is change from spoon to chopstick.

Every day I ask myself, am I doing something right? Am I giving you the best? Mummy try not to pressure you so much by putting high hope on you. We met with a mother of 3 years old girl the other day at Isetan, we had a chat. She used to be a lawyer, quit her job and become a full time house wife taking care of her only girl. Small little girl knows time table, knows one hour = how many minutes, one day how many hours, etc. She is brilliant and even requested her mother to visit book store. However mummy dont feel envy, not even think of want you become like that. I can now imagine by the time u grow bigger, u will become worst than now; extremely “manja” very aggressive (fierce in fact). But I think the only thing I want to educate you is to speak up to family, to us whenever u r in trouble, whenever u need help.
Last week mummy met with two colleagues with sales team, one is sales another is manager managing sales people. Both of them are so aggressive and I can see how motivate how much they enjoy their work. Mummy lost... perhaps mummy should be in sales in stead of backend office. But since daddy already in sales, mummy worry of our living without my salary... How good if everyone can just do whatever they like.